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Upcoming Concerts

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Hispanomania, Second Edition
"World Cultures Series"

Announcing our next concert in the World Cultures Series: Hispanomania! This time, come to learn the best music examples from Spain and Latin America.

After the excitement of our first concert dedicated to the Spanish world at the Central Library, we couldn't resist bringing more Spanish and Latin American music to our audience. We're thrilled to have Janice Jackson joining us as well!

Janice Jackson - Vocal
Anna Shabalina - Cello
Joseph Dowell - Piano

Join us as we celebrate the rich musical heritage spanning from Spain to Latin America!

Get your tickets early here!

Join the Facebook event for more information!


"World Cultures Series"

Another big adventure is calling! Let's fly on the wings of music around the world: from Latin America to Spain and back!

More information about our 4th concert of the series is here:

An Afternoon of German Music 
"World Cultures Series"

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UPDATE. We're sorry to announce that our concert is postponed. Here is a new correct date on the poster. The concert will take place on March, 10th, 2024. 


We are introducing the third concert of our Multicultural Series.
This time we will perform music written by German and Austrian composers from Johann Sebastian Bach to Kurt Weill.

Janice Jackson - vocal
Anna Shabalina - cello
Joseph Dowell - piano

Please join us as we continue our journey around the world!

Tickets are available at the door or the link below:
General admission $20
For seniors and students $15
Get tickets In advance:

An Afternoon of French Music 
"World Cultures Series"

Join us to visit France during the second concert of our series dedicated to different world cultures. Music of Debussy, Ravel, Saint-Saens, Faure, Massenet and others.
Anna Shabalina on cello
Joseph Dowell on piano


The Soul Strings Duo has a concert series planned for your enjoyment. This series will feature a variety of themes from different time periods, countries and musical styles.
Cello: Anna Shabalina
Piano: Joseph Dowell
The first theme will be Slavic music featuring celebrated composers Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Martinu, and more!

An Afternoon of Slavic Music 
1st concert of "World Cultures Series"


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